Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Theme change!

I think if I change the theme of this blog I will probably post in here much more. So I will be doing that sometime tonight and! Brightening up the place too.

I live in the north east and the weather has been cold and wet for the past week. Everyone has been breaking out their fall clothes, but we know that it will get hot again.
I just started a new job and it was sort of a lateral more but not in all aspects. The pay is the same but its closer to home, and the position is basically the same but the new job has a better newer system so its easier to do the job. And best of all the new job has $2500 tuition reimb no matter what your trying to learn and to me that is the best thing.
I also just moved into a much bigger place on 7/1, the bills vthat come with this place are much bigger too. We will be okay tho.

In terms of health, I think that living in this bigger placeand just having to go up and down the stairs all the time, has made me drop a few. In another week or so, I am going to try tae bo amped! This is Billy blanks' new video and it is cheap. And I am really motivated to do it.

As for my family, my kids are about ready to go back to school and I cant wait. It will be so great for the house to shut down at 8:30 pm again. Homework is the only thing that I dread and its funny, my job doesnt assign homework. I will not let my kids fall behind this year, although there is only one who seems to fall behind at times. My 13 year old, I actually heard a letter on the redio today written by the parent of a 13 year old boy here it is.

Subject: Pregnant, single, and raising a 13 year old boySubject: Good morning to all Steve I have been waiting for the chance to speak to you and Shirley, or have you to speak into my life. I am a single parent of a 13 year old boy. My son is very intelligent. A straight a student. My concern with my son is that i feel he lacks common sense. It is very frustrating. I tried the best way i know how to help him in this area of his life, but it seems as if i made it worse. How do you teach a child common sense? We really need your help. Because of this situation we have limited conversation, he is scared to talk to me. I know its because i made him feel like that, but what am i suppose to do? I just want to know when he is out in the world he can and will make the best decisions on his own. I feel so bad to the point that I cry and ask God to help me. I don’t see want i am doing wrong, but its obvious that i am doing something wrong. For the record let me just put it out there, It's not the pregnancy. He has been like this before i even thought of having another baby. Here are a few examples of his behavior (keep in mind he is 13): 1. I have to remind him to eat. If you don’t ask him he wont get up and feed his self. 2. I have to remind him to bath. Days can go by and he wont think on his own to take a shower. Sometimes i wont say anything just to see how long it would take for him to take a shower on his own. 3. All he wants to do in the house is lay around. I mean he balls his whole body up and would just lay there. Even when we go out he would lay his head on a table or ball his legs up in a chair. I don’t understand. I use to be light with my words, but lastly I have been hard on him because i cant take it anymore. 4. He will not groom his self. I am the complete opposite, so i don’t know where he gets this from. I tell him how to groom as a man but i cant show him. Like, he cant stay in the room with me when i am getting dressed. Anyway he cant do everything i do he is a boy. Our communication is fading because he feels scared to talk to me. Please help us Steve. I am open to any suggestions to develop a healthy relationship with my son. I have to be honest with you and the public I feel i am to blame for this situation escalating because now its hard for me to talk to him without already being frustrated. What approach should i take with him? P.S. No he does not have a man role model in his life. Not even the guy i am pregnant by. (That is a whole another letter) Sincerely, frustrated Mom

Funny isnt it?


Susan said...

You sound like a woman who knows exactly what's needed!

You also sound like a woman who is dropping pounds, little by little. Bravo! I think that's better than 'too much, too soon' any day.

Susan said...

Are you still alive?

Susan said...

Welcome back! I say just breathe the same way all the time. I typically breathe through my mouth all the time.

Anonymous said...

Well said.