Friday, June 15, 2007

On the move!

I know its been a long time since I posted anything on here but I have been very busy trying to find another place to live. Right now im still renting, but I plan to buy a home in 2009. Anyway, between trying to find a place, and working more, I have been really tired every night. But I have some good news to report. I have lost 10 pounds and my BS have been better. I feel a little better as well. I sort of have a new out look on life. I am going to do everything RIGHT, without cutting corners. And I'm going to start going to bed at 9pm. According to my mother, going to be earlier will help me lose weight.
I am really going to try to get on here and write something everyday, even if its a little off topic, just so my blog can grow.
Thanks Susan!
Maybe you should send me a message once a week reminding me to exercise. LOL


Susan said...


I am impressed, Miss 10 Pounds Thinner! That is FABULOUS!!!!

Mother knows best: getting more rest makes EVERYTHING better.

I, too, go to bed between 9 and 10 -- generally closer to 9. But I also get up at about 5:30 to run...

I am just so proud of you! I think blogging more will help you to stay focused. Go girl!

Susan said...

WHERE ARE YA? It has been ages. Post something! Anything!